Sunday, July 17, 2011

Aboriginal Map

Aboriginal maps are myth maps that explain how the landscape was created, and how humans and animals are connected to that landscape.

Stick Map

Pacific Islanders craft maps out of sticks to study their path before they travel. These maps were actually used to travel over large distances such as at sea.

Triangle or Ternary Plot

Triangle plots visualize three variables or data sets. This triangle plot maps different composition between soil textures.


Univariate Choropleth Map

A univariate choropleth map uses color to represent only one topic.

Topographical Map

Topographic maps are large scale maps that use contour lines and other symbols to show relief features and elevation. This is a topographical map of Grand Canyon National Park.



A digital raster graph is a scanned image of a topographic map so other data can be added to the image.


A digital elevation model is a 3D representation of topographical information. This is a 3D visualization of Morrison, Colorado. Because color was added to enhance the elevation this map can also be considered hypsometric.

Mental Map

Mental maps can come in almost any form and are made to help organize and explain personal perspectives. This mental map titled Who am I? is drawn in the shape of a brain and meant to express the creators by organizing their personal thoughts, style, and, design in the color coded sections of their hobbies, personality, skills and talents, and food preferences.

Black And White Areal Photo Map

Black and white areal photos are a type of remote sensing taken from planes that allow an overview of an area.  This picture is of Newzelands Royal Air Force Takali airfield in 1942.

Doppler Radar Map

Doppler radar uses microwaves to create images of objects. This Doppler image shows a tornado warning over Tallahassee, Florida and southern Georgia.

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are used to persuade their audience of a false idea often for political or other social reasons. I consider the over simplification of this map of Israel propaganda because it does not include territories considered occupied by the United Nations. With more detail the map would show that the areas of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights are not internationally recognized as belonging to Israel.

Thematic Map

Thematic maps are very common and can be almost any map type. This choropleth map shows the world’s population density and annual gross income per capita with color hues. The darker the color the more populated the area, and lower middle and upper class incomes are represented by different colors.

Remote Sensing Map

Remote sensing involves observing an object or area without coming into direct contact with it. This image of the Niger River in West Africa was created with remote sensing devices to be shown as artwork.


Digital orthoquarter quads are developed from aerial photos that are digitally rectified to remove camera distortion and relief so they can be used as maps with accurate distance measurements. This map shows the Lower Mississippi Tensas River Basin Conservation Area in Louisiana overlaid with property lines.


This public land survey map  shows that all of Ohio is measured with PLSS except the U.S. Military Survey District and Virginia Military Survey District that are in Delaware County, Ohio. This is because the original colonies and a few other exceptional areas such as this did not adopt the PLSS system but continued to use metes and bounds.

Infrared Aerial Photo Map

Infrared photos are taken with film or another sensor that are sensitive to infrared electrometric radiation. This infared areal photo taken by an aircraft was combied with thermal data to shows the heat comming from houses in Antwerp Belgian. The image was taken with the intention of being shown to homeowners that can then evaluate the insulation of their home. The red and yellow tones represent heat and the darker blue and green colors show cold areas.

Isobar Map

Isobars are continuous lines that connect points of equal air pressure on a map. This map shows the isobar lines at 500mb and associated higher and lower lines over the United States on the sixth of January in 2003.

Box Plot

Box plots show the mean and maximum and minimum for quantitative data groups. The Atkinson study used 504 different languages to study phonemes which are essentially sounds and tones that comprise language. This box plot shows phonemic diversity in different regions on the world. Because the study results point to language originating in Africa the box plot allows differences between regions closer to and farther away from Africa to be compared.

Isopach Map

Isopaches show areas of equal thickness within a tabular unit. This Isopach map shows the thickness in feet of Tully Limestone in the Acadian Swamp Basin in the Appalachian Basin of Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania region.

Isopleth Map

Isopleth maps use contour lines to measure equal values of a continuous variable. This isopleths map uses color and lines to shows the precipitation over Barcelona in June of 2000.

Isotachs Map

Isotach lines connect areas of equal wind speed. This isotachs map shows wind speed with color, purple being higher speeds. Black lines indicate geopotential heights and pink marks show wind divergence.

Flow Map

Flow maps show the movement of an object or event. This flow map uses arrows to shows the carbon emissions of major countries imports and exports. Exports are shown in blue and imports in red. Carbon emissions are measured in megatons.

Cadastral Map

Cadastral maps provide boundaries and measurements of land ownership and use. This cadastral map shows numbered lots in Atlanta, Georgia in 1928.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Planimetric Map

Planimetric maps represent only horizontal directions on a map and do no include elevation. This campus map of Florida State University only shows the location of roads, buildings, fields, and other outdoor area.

Hypsometric Map

Hypsometric maps represent elevation of a landscape with color. This hypsometric map is of the archaeological site Gradac located in Bapska, Croatia. This area has been inhabited since prehistoric times and this map of the sites elevation was used in an effort to excavate and protect the endangered cultural site.

Choropleth Map


Choropleth maps are one of the most common types of maps. They use color or shading to represent statistical data for different geographical regions. This map uses shades of green to show the acreage used to grow soybeans on in the US in 2002.

Dot Distribution Map

Dot density maps show density with dots that do not vary in size. This map shows the acres of land taken up by Florida huge grapefruit industry.

Windrose Map

A windrose uses color to show the range of wind over an extended period of time. This windrose shows the direction, strength, and frequency of wind in Binghamton.

Scatterplot Map

This scatterplot uses points on the graph displays the two variables of average income and votes placed.

Cartogram Map

A cartogram is a type of thematic map that adjusts scale to show quantitative data. This world map is a cartogram that shows military spending in 2002 by distorting the size of countries. The total world spending for this year was $789 billion and out of that the spending by the US was $353 billion.

Isohyets Map

Isohyet maps use continuous lines to connect points of equal rainfall. This is an isohyets map of Peninsular Malaysia for January 2011. Equal rainfall in millimeters in represented by connecting red lines across the island.

Statistical Map

Statistical maps show quantitative data over a geographic area. This statistical map represents the makeup and distribution of the world’s major religions.

Population Profile

This type of population profile is also called a population pyramid. This pyramid of Afghanistan's population shows that the country has a very young population, mostly under age thirty. Possible causes for such a young population could be the ongoing war, lack of good medical standards or care, and other social factors.

Isoline Map

Isoline maps describe distributions with continuous lines that connect areas of equal value. This isoline map shows snow fall at the Juneau air port in Alaska in 1992.

Pie Chart Map

A pie chart is a circle that shows proportion of data. This pie chart shows an estimate of the allocation of money in the 2009 US stimulus package. This proposition included $550 billion in investment spending and $275 billion in tax cuts. It is interesting to see that $31.3 billion of this was not accounted for.

Parallel Coordinate Plot Map

Parallel coordinate graph show multivariate data with equally spaced lines.This parallel coordinate shows how two ozone quartiles interacts with other variables. The first quartile is represented with green lines and the fourth ozone quartile is represented with blue lines.

Line Graph Map

Line graphs display data by using a line to connect different value points. This line graph shows the rate of suicide per 100,000 in the populations for different ethnicities and age groups from 1999 to 2007 in the United States.

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph shows the relationship between two variables of positive and negative value. This graph displays trends in the clean energy trade between the US and Chine from 2006 to 2010.

Lorenz Curve

 A Lorenz curve is used to represent inequality. This Lorenz curve shows the 2003 US household income. This graph shows that the poorest 80% of US household only receive between 50% and 60% of the total household income.

Index Value Plot Map

Index value plots shows variation by plotting an index value instead of an absolute value. This index value plot records Antarctic melting ice. It includes data from the SOI Southern Oscillation Index and SAM Southern Hemispheric Annular Mode. The index shows that variations in SOI and SAM are partially responsible for the fact that snow melt has been at a record low for the years shown. 

Climograph Map

Climographs combine the temperature and precipitation monthly averages to show long term climate patterns. This graph of San Diego, California shows the averages over a period of a year.

Correlation Matrix

A correlation matrix makes it possible to show correlations between many variables at once. This correlation matrix is a map of genes. It was used by researchers to explain gene patterns in the brain of adult mice. The dark red represents brain region samples with related gene expressions and the blue area has unrelated gene expressions.



LIDAR or light detection and ranging is a type of remote sensing that uses light to measure features of an object or location. To do this a laser is used to shine light on the object and the scattered light is measured to create an image. This image recorded by NASA in 2003 is of Johnson’s Reef in the Virgin Islands. Each square represents 100 square meters of reef and the color represents the height is the reef in meters.

Star Plot

Starplots examine multivariate data with equal-angular lines that show the proportion of a subset of data to data across all other subsets. This is a starplot of fossil types.

Classed Choropleth Map

Classed choropleth maps use color to represent a certain number of data groups and their values. These classed choropleth show the percent of men in the Royal Thai Army that had HIV in between 1991 and 2000. Darker blue and green shades represent higher percentages while lighter green and yellow show lower with white showing no HIV. According to these maps the presence of HIV in the Thai army has greatly decreased over these years.

Unclassified Chloropleth Map

Unclassed chloropleth maps do not classify in intervals as classed chloropleths do but instead assign shades or colors to indicate higher or lower levels. This map of level of water scarcity in the Middle East and African uses red shades to represent scarcity, darker red showing more scarcity. This map was made with data compiled from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizations Aquastat tool and a summary of a 2011 commercial dataset.

Proportional Circle Map

Proportionate circle maps represent values with various sizes of circles. This is a map of confirmed swine flu cases in North America.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

Range graded proportional circle maps use circles of only certain sizes to represent values. This map uses circles to show the quaintly and location wiki leak US Embassy cables were sent to.

Nominal Choropleth Map

Nominal choropleth maps represent nominal or qualitative data with various colors. Biomes are geographic areas that have their own specific ecosystems, including plant, animal, weather, climate, and soil types. This map color codes the Earth's various biomes.